The Role of Artists in The Process of Learning Cultural and Dance Arts Skills at Elementary School

Rakanita Dyah Ayu Kinesti



This study aims to analyze the stages involved in the learning process and what arts and culture teachers do in their learning process. Researchers used qualitative research methods by taking research subjects at SD Negeri Pengkol, Kaliori District, Rembang Regency. The result was that the learning process was supported by formal education and non-formal education. Non-formal education had taken place in an artist's family environment or an art training environment (studio). In general, the artist's family would pass on the knowledge and skills they had mastered to their children. The artist's family hoped that his abilities would continue. Therefore, it was not surprising that dance skills, especially traditional and other dances, could be mastered well. The stages were carried out by the arts and culture teacher, namely the Dance Teacher, had applied the management method, organizing learning with the following stages: (1) the preparation stage, (2) the delivery stage, (3) the practice stage, and (4) the performance stage. Dance learning at SD Pengkol has a high carrying capacity both from the aspect of students, teachers, infrastructure, and the assessment system. Dance learning has a contribution both in terms of student competence and in supporting school activities as evidenced by various school achievements in the field of dance.


The Role of Artists, Learning Cultural, Dance Arts Skills

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Elementary : Islamic Teacher Journal by Program Studi PGMI Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Kudus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License