Patterns of Social Interaction in Housing

Alma Husna Fadhilah, Erlina Wiyanarti, Dina Siti Logayah


Social interaction in the Housing Community has an important role in shaping relationships between individuals that can affect the quality of life in the Housing Community. This study aims to analyze the pattern of social interaction in the community in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing, Bandung Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach to the case study method whose data collection was done by in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed the pattern of social interaction of residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing has different diversity in each type of house design. This is due to the adaptation of residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in conducting social interactions. It is concluded that the pattern of community interaction in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing is in the form of associative social interaction patterns, but conflicts cannot be avoided by residents in every type of house design. 

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Patterns Of Social Interaction In Housing

Alma Husna Fadhilah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Erlina Wiyanarti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Dina Siti Logayah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Social interaction in the Housing Community has an important role in shaping relationships between individuals that can affect the quality of life in the Housing Community. This study aims to analyze the pattern of social interaction in the community in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing, Bandung Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach to the case study method whose data collection was done by in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed the pattern of social interaction of residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing has different diversity in each type of house design. This is due to the adaptation of residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in conducting social interactions. It is concluded that the pattern of community interaction in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing is in the form of associative social interaction patterns, but conflicts cannot be avoided by residents in every type of house design.

Keywords: Housing Society, Social Interaction, Social Interaction patterns.

A. Introduction

Humans are constantly changing, both physically and socially. Physically, humans experience changes in body shape growth, and age. Social changes in humans are characterized by human social interaction relationships with their environment. These physical and social changes, of course, cannot be avoided by people in the Bandung regency area. The people of Bandung Regency have the characteristics of a society that upholds Sundanese values and culture that have been embedded in the community. Jaenudi & Tahrir (2019) in their research stated that the Regency community has the characteristics of a religious society and inherent cultural values and norms become their identity. In addition, the people of Bandung Regency economically have superior potential in the agriculture, plantation, livestock, fisheries, industry, and tourism sectors (Rukmana, Aviasti, Reni Amaranti, & M. A. Shakira, 2020)

The characteristics and potential possessed by the people of Bandung Regency are a driving factor in social change, which is shown by the selection of a physical social environment, namely the selection of a residential environment, where the people of Bandung Regency make housing an environment for them to live in. This is based on information data on housing development in Bandung Regency by the Office of Public Housing and Settlement Areas and Land (DISPERKIMTAN) Bandung Regency that the number of distribution housing locations in Bandung Regency as of 2023 is 35.000 housing, with the highest peak location occurring in 2019 and 2022. This shows that housing is an environment that is needed by the community as a place to live. Factors causing the increase in the number of housing locations in Bandung Regency are due to population growth, livelihood choices, and land costs that are still relatively affordable. Data on the development of housing locations in Bandung Regency is shown in the following graph:

Source: (DISPERKIMTAN, 2023)

Picture 1. Diagram of the Number of Housing Sites in Bandung Regency

The results of research conducted by Maghfirroh suggest that the environment can affect human social behavior, namely the way that adapts to their environment, interact with each other, and cooperate in the living environment carried out by the people of Bandung Regency will have a significant impact on their behavior. This opinion is emphasized by Ruhimat (2019) that material cultural products, such as clothing models, types of houses, types of vehicles, types of equipment and technology chosen by humans to meet their needs, became influential factors in human behavior, which can affect human social behavior with other individuals. It is concluded that the selection of the environment will affect how people interact both socially and physically.

Interactions that occur in a community environment, apart from being influenced by the environment, are certainly influenced by humans themselves who play an important role as actors in the occurrence of social interactions. Simmel (Agustang, 2021) suggests that society is formed because of interactions, not groups of people who are just silent. This means that humans themselves will determine whether or not social interactions are created in society. The formation of social interactions in the community will determine the quality of their social life. Thus, social interaction is important in human life as social beings as long as they have an environment. The process of social interaction can create patterns of social interaction in residential communities that will shape the identity, community of the residents, and social relationships, and reflect the values and norms held by the residents (Zubaedah, 2023). Social interaction patterns create humans who will always work together, talk to each other, make agreements, help each other, and establish a sense of family.

Based on initial interviews conducted by researchers with residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing, there is a diversity of social interaction patterns in each type of house design. This diversity is caused by differences in togetherness activities, communication, and the way they adapt. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze in depth the patterns of social interaction in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing with the formulation of problems in this study, namely, how the communication patterns of residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing based on the type of house design, how the form of social contact that exists in residents, and how to adapt the residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing based on the type of house design in conducting social interactions.

B. Discussion

Social Interaction

Human in their lives socially interact with each other. Social interaction is important in human life to build social relationships between them, of course, social interaction is important for people in housing, namely in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in Bandung Regency. Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing is the housing with the most units in Bandung Regency totaling 5449 housing units, with various types of house designs. The various types of house designs in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing make the social interaction patterns of its residents also vary.

Social interaction according to Soerjono is a dynamic social relationship that involves relationships between individuals, between human groups, and between individuals and human groups. Social interaction can occur if there is social contact and social communication. Contact and communication are important conditions in the realization of social interaction that can be tested by alienated life, where the inability to establish social interactions with other parties is marked. It is concluded that for social interaction between humans to occur, contact and communication are necessary. The pattern of social interaction relates to how society interacts with each other, as Sumitro, Irwansyah, and Syukurman (2023) in his research suggest that patterns of social interaction are how people carry out social interactions and how they relate to one another. It is concluded that social interaction patterns are ways that people interact and relate to each other.

According to Georg Simmel's theory, the important thing in the forms of social interaction is the increasing size and differentiation that tends to loosen the bonds or relationships between individuals which results in many relationships that are much more distant, impersonal, and fragmented. This means that good social interaction relationships in society are characterized by more and more relationships that are deeper, impersonal, and divided in a camp. Georg Simmel in his theory classifies forms of social interaction including, exchange, conflict, and sociability (Nadira & T. indarti., 2018; Syukur, 2018; Wahyuni, 2017).

Social interaction patterns refer to the form of social interaction. According to Gillin and Gillin (Soekanto, 2015) forms of social interaction are divided into associative and dissociative forms of social interaction:

Associative social interaction is a positive relationship that occurs in society. This form of associative social interaction builds and strengthens solidarity relationships in society. Associative social interaction can produce unity. According to Soerjono, this form of associative social interaction is cooperation, accommodation, assimilation, and acculturation.

Dissociative social interaction is a form of social interaction that is oppositional or resistant by individuals or groups in social processes in society. Soerjono in his book says that the form of dissociative social interaction is said to be oppositional processes, which means that it can be found in every society, although the form and direction are found by the culture and social system of the community concerned. Dissociative social interaction leads to division and conflict, both individually and in groups. (Rahman, Rizki, & Vera Octavia, 2022). Forms of dissociative interaction according to Soerjono Soekanto include competition, contravention, opposition, and conflict.

C. Method

This research was conducted using a case study research method, where the researcher seeks to analyze a particular case in depth. The type of case study design used in this research is a single case study, that is, the researcher focuses on an extreme or unique case whose single analysis is not branched or cross-case (Yin, 2022). This research uses a single case study, which is about the pattern of social interaction of the community in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana housing in Bandung Regency. Determination of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique with non-probability sampling, because it is considered to be able to determine the characteristics of the identity of informants who match the research objectives and are expected to be able to respond to cases related to patterns of community social interaction in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana housing in Bandung Regency.

The research instruments used were observation guidelines and interview guidelines. The research data collection techniques were conducted through interviews, observation, and documentation. Interviews were conducted through semi-structured in-depth techniques with informants including permanent residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana housing, Neighbourhood heads, and the Village Head. Observation in this study was carried out by making direct observations of social interaction activities through the togetherness activities they have. The data analysis techniques used in this study refer to Miles and Huberman (1992) (Ahmad, 2019) namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.

D. The Research Result

Communication patterns of residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing

Community residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana housing in conducting communication is done by personal communication and group communication. For residents of house design type 21/72, group communication is more effective than personal communication. The existence of a WhatsApp group formed by the head of the neighborhood, makes housing residents prefer to communicate via WhatsApp on the grounds of the ease and convenience of those who do not need to meet and meet directly with other people. The age difference is also an obstacle for residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana type 21/72 housing in communicating personally, they become reluctant when they have to talk to older people and vice versa. Most of them communicate personally with people who they think are comfortable to talk to and hang out with. For example, they have the same hobbies, are in the same age range, or are pursuing education and work in the same field.

In contrast to the residents of type 36/98 and type 45/120, personal communication is higher in intensity than group communication. Their comfort in communicating face to face, as well as their pleasure in talking with friends whom they consider as figures who can devote information or messages make the intensity of personal communication more effective than communication in groups. Group communication is also still formed among residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana housing design type 36/98 and type 45/120 through WhatsApp groups created by the Neighbourhood head of the two types of house designs.

The Whatsapp group used by residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in communicating as a group is well utilized by community leaders, namely, Neighbourhood heads from each type of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing house design to convey important information and messages to residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing, such as announcements of assistance from the village, providing information on residents who are sick or need help, announcements of water outages, submitting information on financial transparency of residents' dues and other information related to the interests of residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing. The WhatsApp group is also used by the head of neighborhoods from each type of house design as a place to convey complaints, suggestions, and aspirations from residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing to strengthen the relationship between residents and the Head of neighborhoods as well as strengthen social relations among fellow residents.

The communication patterns formed among residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing show a process of social interaction. (Faridah, 2019). Through communication, the residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in Bandung Regency try to convey messages that will later raise feelings in response to the messages conveyed (Adha, Eko, & Siti, 2019). Giving a reaction or response to the message conveyed, indicates that the message conveyed both in groups and personally is understood by residents in each type of house design in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing. This means that communication is an important aspect of social interaction so that the parties involved can understand what they are saying. As Faridah (2019) argues, communication is one of the main requirements in interacting with the surrounding environment which is important and cannot be eliminated by humans, because in their lives humans need communication, failure to communicate can result in disharmony in social life.

Forms of Social Contact with Residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing

Social contacts that occur among residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in each type of house design are divided into two forms of social contact, namely primary social contact and secondary social contact (Soekanto, 2015). The form of primary social contact from each type of house design 21/72, 36/98, and type of house design 45/120 shows more social contact in the form of face-to-face meetings in the form of activities such as community service, recitation, sports competitions, celebration of Independence Day 17 August, celebration of Islamic religious holidays, eating together, night patrols and integrated healthcare center

House design types 21/72, 36/98, and house design types 45/120 have different togetherness activities as a form of social contact for residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing. In house design type 21/72 and house design type 45/120 there are fewer togetherness activities compared to house design type 36/98. Routine togetherness activities that take place in house design type 21/72 are in the form of recitation, and integrated healthcare center. As for other togetherness activities, they are annual when there are national holidays such as the 17th of August commemoration, and the committee for commemorating Islamic holidays.

In contrast to the 36/98 house design type, togetherness activities as a form of social contact among residents that are carried out routinely are more common, such as night patrols, women's social gatherings, community service, recitation, and integrated healthcare centers. The differences in togetherness activities carried out by the residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana housing community as a form of social contact create a diversity of social interaction processes among them in creating social relationships. In addition to togetherness activities, there are also primary social contacts that occur among residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana housing in each type of house design such as greeting and shaking hands carried out by residents when they meet other residents.

The form of secondary social contact in residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in each type of house design occurs when they have conversations through WhatsApp groups or chat privately. their ability to get along such as greeting, chatting with neighbors, and meeting each other shows positive social contact among residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in each type of house design. The ability to get along shown by residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in each type of house design creates social contact as a process of action and reaction in community life through meeting activities and Whatsapp groups owned by residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing (Adha et al., 2019).

The positive social contact shown by the Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing community in each type of house design creates positive activities in the community. Along with that, negative forms of social contact cannot be avoided by residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in each type of house design. Negative social contact is shown by the existence of various conflicts. In house design type 21/72 and house design type 36/98, the conflict occurred when one of the residents held a religious activity that disrupted road access and was carried out late at night and did not communicate to ask permission from the Neighbourhood head and surrounding residents. Negative responses also arose from other residents so misunderstandings between residents led to conflict. This problem subsided when it was resolved in a family manner and the parties involved apologized to other residents who felt disturbed.

In the 45/120 house design type, conflicts occur due to outsiders who occupy empty houses without the permission of the original owner and they claim that the house is theirs. The negative behavior carried out by outsiders, as well as the absence of communication between the original owner and the Neighbourhood heads regarding the clarity of the residence creates a big problem, so it requires a third party to solve the problem. Negative social contacts that occur among residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing will have an impact on the harmonious conditions between residents. Discomfort can change the atmosphere of intimacy of the residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing. Conflict cannot be avoided by humans Simmel also argues that conflict is something essential, and cannot be eliminated in human life (Wahyuni, 2017). A good society according to Simmel is a society that can solve conflicts in its life (Wahyuni, 2017).

Social contact is the first condition for social relations, meaning that the actions shown by residents towards other residents will affect the reactions or replies that will be made (Irma, Andi, & Fitriani, 2023; Tanesab & Jeferson Tanesab, 2023). So social contact determines whether or not social interaction will occur. Residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing who show good actions towards other residents will give birth to positive social contacts and conversely, negative social contacts can cause conflicts which result in discomfort and harmony for residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in social relations. This is as Murcahyaningrum et al. (2023) in their research that social contact pays attention to responses or reactions to actions taken by humans. The importance of understanding how contacts made by one individual are responded to by another individual can have an impact on the dynamics of social relationships (Murcahyaningrum et al., 2023).

How to adapt the residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in conducting Social Interaction

The process of social interaction that occurs in the community of residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing is certainly inseparable from the social adaptations they make to interact with other residents. In carrying out their adaptation, the residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing have different ways and there are various challenges faced by residents to be able to adjust to their environment socially and physically so that they can interact with other residents in building good social relationships.

Residents of house design type 21/72 have a way of adapting socially by trying to understand the environment. This is a result of interviews conducted with residents of Perumahan Bumi Parahyangan Kencana house design type 21/72 who stated that in adapting they try to understand the condition of the surrounding environment, activities commonly carried out by residents, and the social conditions of residents in the house design type 21/72. Efforts to understand the state of this environment are shown by the residents by always participating in togetherness activities that exist in the design type of house 21/72. Their tolerance for different beliefs, ethnicities, and races is upheld, and they appreciate if there are residents who hold religious events. This is also stated by the heads of the neighborhood that as long as their activities are carried out by procedures such as permission to the neighborhood head as well as to the surrounding residents and do not make noise and are not carried out late at night, it is allowed.

The way of adaptation in the community of residents of the 36/98 house design type also carries the same way as the 21/72 house design type but in terms of tolerance other activities can build social relationships and make it easier to adapt for the residents to carry out social interactions with fellow residents, namely they have a joint meal activity called "babakaran" which is always held at the end of each year. The existence of this babakan activity is a place for residents to chat, and establish relationships so that social relations between them can be formed better. This activity is carried out by the RT head with collaboration and advice from the RW head.

In contrast to residents in the 45/120 house design type, because of the small number of non-Muslim residents, community adaptation in conducting social interactions is easier to do. Housing residents who are non-Muslims also easily follow the rules or joint activities that are always carried out by residents in the 45/120 house design type. This is due to the openness of the residents as well as the head of the neighborhood who always goes around to visit the residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in the 45/120 house design type by having small conversations, such as asking about the news or the condition of the residents.

The challenges in adapting are also felt by residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in each type of house design. Residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing have similar challenges in conducting social interactions, namely because many residents come from different regions, and varying age differences make residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing require more adaptation to adjust comfortably and not hesitate to interact with other residents.

The social adaptation carried out by residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in each type of house design shows an effort to build positive relationships. The ability of the residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing helps them to adapt to their environment which can create social interactions between them. Adaptation is carried out by residents by always participating in their community activities, and understanding the beliefs and values that exist among residents (Harahap, 2020). This adaptation step by Tinus et, al. (Tinus, Asmirah, & A. Burchanuddin, 2021) that human social adaptation to their social environment is limited by a process through challenges as individuals with their environment, adaptation to the prevailing value system, and understanding what the community believes. The adaptation efforts made by residents determine how they can interact because adaptation depends on individual behavior to survive in their environment (Harahap, 2020)

E. Summary

The pattern of community social interaction in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing is shown through communication patterns, forms of social contact, and how residents adapt to social interaction. Each type of house design has its characteristics and ways that shape the diversity of social interactions among residents of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing in Bandung Regency. In the 21/72 design type, communication is mostly done through group communication through WhatsApp groups, while in the 36/98 and 45/120 house design types there is more personal communication. The form of positive social contact for residents in the three types of house designs has almost the same form of social contact, namely meetings through togetherness activities, it's just that the number of togetherness activities is mostly owned by the 36/98 house design type. Negative social contact among residents is something that cannot be avoided, but their efforts to resolve conflicts are always carried out. The way of adaptation carried out by residents is their effort to create good social relations so that social interaction between them can be established without any obstacles. In conclusion, it is hoped that as a result of this research, residents will experience improved relationships, a greater sense of ownership, and an overall better quality of life within their community. The recommendation of this study is for future researchers to be able to research the interaction between elderly people who live in Bumi Parahyangan Kencana Housing


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Tinus, A. A., Asmirah, & A. Burchanuddin. (2021). Adaptasi Sosial Mahasiswa Sabah Dalam Lingkungan Universitas Bosowa Makassar. Jurnal Sosiologi Kontemporer, 1(1), 1–8.

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Zubaedah, P. A. (2023). Dampak Urbanisasi Pada Struktur Keluarga Dan Interaksi Sosial Dalam Masyarakat Modern. Jurnal of Mandalika Social Science, 1(1), 5–8.



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