How to Improve Sharia Accountability for Sovereign Sukuk in Indonesia

Erny Arianty


The study entitled How to Improve Sharia Accountability for Sovereign Sukuk in Indonesia aims to analyze the factor that has the highest level of importance in realizing sharia accountability. The analysis of this research is conducted by applying  Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach with a hierarchy structure consisting of the first level, namely objectives, sharia accountability for Sovereign Sukuk/Sovereign Sharia Securities (SBSN), then the second level is shariah accountability parameters, consist of structural contract (akad) SBSN, the use of SBSN funds by maqashid sharia, and SBSN accounting and financial reporting. Each criterion is determined by sub-criteria, which are the third level. The last level is the supporting factors for the realization of sharia accountability for SBSN. The results showed that human resources competency factor had the highest importance level in realizing the sharia accountability for the use of the contract structure (aqad) SBSN parameter, the supervisory function factor had the highest importance level for the parameters of using SBSN funds following the shariahmaqashid, and the decision making authority factor had the highest importance level for the parameters of accounting and financial reporting.  As for the results of the level of importance of the parameters, the parameter of the use of the contract structure has the highest importance level among other parameters.


Sharia Accountability, Sovereign Sukuk, applying Analytical Hierarchy Process

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