Miftahul Huda


Listening skills are a necessary requirement for understanding courses delivered in Arabic. However, not all learners of Arabic as a foreign language have good listening skills. This study aims to determine the problems faced by students, both linguistic and non-linguistic factors, in learning listening to Arabic texts. The method used in this study used a descriptive qualitative approach. As for the object as well as the source of research data are students of the PBA IAIN Kudus semester II academic year 2019/2020. Data collection was done through questionnaires, observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study revealed that the problems faced by students in participating in listening learning activities included difficulty remembering details and sequences of information in the text. Linguistic problems are mostly caused by a lack of vocabulary, and non-linguistic problems are caused by low motivation and interest


listening skills, linguistics, non-linguistics, Arabic text

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