Reorientasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Berbasis Whole Language untuk Mahasiswa Pariwisata di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Sri Wahyuni, Eddi Novra


The goal of This study to analyze Arabic learning and materials taught at the Faculty of Tourism. This study is designed to find Arabic teaching materials that are in accordance with the science of Tourism students. This study assumes that tourism Arabic must contain themes related to tourism science so that the direction of language learning emphasizes more on the needs of students. This research is a development research with a qualitative and quantitative approach. This research was conducted through three stages: introduction, development and implementation, data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results showed that the Arabic language material at the Faculty of Tourism still contained grammatical structure material prepared for Arabic language practitioners. This research produces Arabic teaching materials that suit the needs of students with title "al Arabiyah lissiyahah". These teaching materials contain tourism themes such as ta'aruf, Kampung Sarugo, the beauty of the universe, lodging in hotels. The structure of the material in this teaching material uses the whole language principle, starting with KI, KD, Indicators, followed by conversation material, Arabic text, language proficiency exercises, games, mahfuzhat, meaning of vocabulary for midterm assignments and final semester assignments. Based on the responses of language and media experts, this teaching material is considered very good.


Arabic learning, whole Language, tourist

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