ida Vera Sophya, Farida farida


Technological development has an impact on language development. Many negative words or slang are emerging without a filter from the government. As a result, young learners who do not know whether the language is good or not become carried away by the environment. This research aims to explain the implementation of an English language learning program based on Islamic personality at Islamic playgroups in Kudus and to know the obstacles in practicing the English language based on Islamic personality. This research uses qualitative research. Techniques in collecting data are done by observation, documentation, and interviews. The result of this research is the implementation of an English learning program based on Islamic personality at playgroups in Kudus has been implemented according to the training curriculum at every stage. The trainers transfer their knowledge, practice English pronunciation, and give an example to the participants in using the right English language based on the Islamic personality. Then, the teachers practice the new English words based on Islamic personality in each playgroup. This program received positive support and responses pleasantly from teachers, parents, and students at KB Tsurayya, KB Miftahul Ulum, and KB Al Chusna. Through habituation, example, conditioning, and clarity of sanctions for violations of rules carried out professionally in a formal education environment based on Islamic values, children will be able to apply Islamic values in a pleasant atmosphere. After teachers practiced this program, both during lessons and during breaks, they said that this program has brought changes to educators and students. The effort made by teachers in compiling, implementing, and evaluating English language learning programs by the conditions and needs of students in Islamic playgroups will shape the children having an Islamic personality. The limited school time to practice pronunciation will cause children in Islamic playgroups to be less focused on practicing English language based on Islamic personality. However, the efforts to overcome obstacles can be done with supportive non-verbal language by using thumbs up, applause, smile, handshake, and so on.


English Language Learning Program, Islamic Personality, Early Children


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/thufula.v12i1.25702


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