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The Implementation of At-Tawazun Counseling for the “Pesantren Tangguh” Program in the New Normal Era

Samsul Arifin


In the new normal era, several pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) in East Java had the “Pesantren Tangguh” program initiated by Polda (the regional police unit at the provincial level) East Java. The research objective was to describe the application of At-Tawazun Counseling (pesantren-based counseling) which was implemented by the counseling division of the “Pesantren Tangguh” program at Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo Situbondo. This study used a service-learning approach involving the students of Islamic Guidance and Counseling (BPI), the Faculty of Da'wah, Ibrahimy University, and the ustadz in the pesantren. The results of this study indicate the application of the At-Tawazun Counseling technique by balancing (at-tawazun) between the lahiriyah (visible) and batiniyah (invisible) namely: techniques:  1) uswah hasanah (social model), (2) mauidhah hasanah (psychoeducation), (3) targhib-ta’zir (reinforcement-punishment),  (4) art, (5) ‘uzlah (self-quarantine), dan (6) gerbat (prayer). This research is a development of the course "Islamic Guidance and Counseling"; which integrates counseling, religion, and culture.


at-tawazun counseling, pesantren tangguh, new normal


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v12i1.8646

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