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The Conception of Indigenous Counseling in La Tadampare Puang Rimaggalatung’s Thought

Aswar Aswar, Andi Mappiare-AT, Andi Wahyu Irawan


Puang Rimaggalatung was the King of Wajo Arung Matowa IV who was known as a Bugis philosopher and had advice on the value of local wisdom. There is a potential culture that can be explored, raised and developed into the study of Indonesian counseling from him. The purpose of this research is to determine and to describe the conception of indigenous counseling from Puang Rimaggalatung’s thoughts. The research method used a qualitative approach with the Gadamerian hermeneutic research method. The results showed the conception of indigenous counseling at the level of human nature, the criteria of bugis counselors, ideal and problematic characters, and the counselor's self-position. The conception of human nature lays on the terms ade’ assamaturuseng (negotiation for consensus) and maradeka (independent). In the criteria of bugis counselors, it includes lempu’, ininnawa deceng; masémpoé ati, warani, macca mpinru’. The ideal characters of the counselor are fair, honest and smart, honest and religious, honest and self-introspective, committed, ethical, conscientious and religious. Problematic characters are fraudulent, hard-hearted and maladaptive. The position of the counselor is to have good manners and be a good listener


Puang Rimagalatung, Bugis, Wajo, Counseling, Indigenous


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v11i2.7852

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