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Indigenous Counseling Practices in Pekalongan City

Nadhifatuz Zulfa


Pekalongan City is one of the strategic nodes of the north coast of Java which has a variety of ethnicities such as Javanese, Arabic, Chinese, and several ethnic groups in Indonesia such as Sundanese, Madurese and others. There are several cultural treatments that lead to the counseling process carried out by the people of Pekalongan city (indigenous counseling). Indigenous counseling is a counseling service that is a solution to cultural barriers, whether from  cx of norm values or language in the community, the implementation of which can be an alternative intervention for people who have thoughts, beliefs in traditional practices where they are in overcoming life problems. This paper aims to find out the practice of indigenous counseling in the city of Pekalongan. This research is a field research (field research), with a phenomenological approach, and descriptive qualitative research design and data collection methods through interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that indigenous counseling practices were divided into two types, namely the tradition / ritual of indigenous counseling and the intervention of indigenous counseling. The techniques of indigenous approaches that already exist in the city of Pekalongan are divided into two types, namely the types of Putihan and abangan. It is expected that the knowledge of indigenous counseling practices in the city of Pekalongan can contribute scientific knowledge, especially in the field of guidance and counseling and is expected to have empirical testing in terms of counseling models and techniques from the indigenous approach used to overcome the problems of local community life.


indigenous counseling, People of Pekalongan city, culture


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v11i1.6899

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