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Reading Ability Counseling For Learning Difficulties Children With Dyslexia Using Multi-Factor Analysis

Trubus Raharjo


Difficulty reading in a dyslexic person becomes a problem for students, whereas reading becomes a benchmark in the academic success of students in the class. Reading disability at diagnosis is common in children with normal intelligence but have difficulty building reading skills. Learning difficulties in dyslexic children can be detected from various analyzes of phonological awareness, memory skills, visual stimulation, and auditory stimulation. This study aims to obtain a description of the factors affecting learning difficulties in dyslexic children. The subjects in this study were divided into dyslexic categories as many as 106 and non-dyslexic as many as 104 students in grade 2 until grade 3 of elementary school and the diagnosis was carried out based on the criteria contained in the specific learning disorder category in DSM-5. Measurements were made by testing the reading ability of elementary school students who have an indication of dyslexia with a multi-factor method. The results showed an indication there was an influence between memory, visual stimulation, auditory stimulation with phonological awareness and also a correlation between variables. Students with dyslexia must immediately receive counseling from the counselor.


learning difficulties, dyslexia, Reading counseling


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i2.6704

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