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Multicultural Counseling in Islamic Perspective

Abdul Basit


In this globalization and information era, the role of multicultural counseling is very urgent for the community. Given the cultural exchange between one country and another country is so massive. If a counselor only focuses on the client's person without regard to the cultural factors influence it, then the process of implementing counseling can cause bias and ineffective. In its historical development, the theory and practice of multicultural counseling is still dominated by multicultural counseling originating from the West. Meanwhile, Indonesia is a country where the majority of the population is Muslim and in terms of culture differs from rational, individualist, and materialist of Western cultures. Therefore, this paper describes multicultural counseling in an Islamic perspective as an alternative to the development of multicultural counseling in Indonesia. The different human concepts, cultures, and values developed by Islam form the basic foundation in the multicultural counseling process. From this basic difference, the author further explains the competence and practice of multicultural counseling in Islam, especially in Indonesia. In obtaining the comprehensive data, the authors conducted a qualitative study by taking data sources derived from the al-Qur'an, al-Hadith, and the results of the thinking of Muslim scientists related to multicultural counseling.


Counseling, Multiculturalism, Islam, and Culture


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v11i1.6435

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