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Professionalism of Islamic Spiritual Counsellors to Achieve The Quality of Health Services for Patients in Hospitals

Agus Riyadi, Hakim Zamroni


Spiritual counsellors in hospitals have not fully reached the professional stage, it is considered that there are still many problems to achieve the ideal stage according to the patients’ needs. The problems of Islamic spiritual counselling for patients in hospitals lie in: First, there is no standard of performance that is mutually agreed upon professionally. Second, there is no standard for preparing counsellors who are recognised both academically and professionally by the hospital, so that the ability of the counsellors is only seen and assessed based on common sense only without looking at academic capacity and competence, or ability. Third, as a consequence of the two problems mentioned above, the aspects of license and accreditation certainly cannot be done by each hospital, including the development of professional organisations. Therefore, the development solutions that have to be carried out include the development of the standardisation of the professional counsellor performance, namely the formulation of the professional spiritual counsellor standard performance in hospitals. The effort to pioneer the realisation of the formulation of the performance needs to be initiated by academics majoring BPI / BKI in Faculty of Da’wah and Communication with spiritual counselling practitioners in the hospital and standardisation of counsellor preparation. It aimsto prepare the (prospective) counsellorswith knowledge, mastery, and ability to carry out the materials and skills contained in the points of the formulation of performance.


Islamic Spiritual Counselling, Professionalism, The Quality of Health Services


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i2.6149

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