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The Hoping Thinking Skill Model for Parents in Islamic Counseling Through Experiential Learning to Improve Children's Optimistic Attitude

Khilman Rofi' Azmi


The dynamics of rapid development in Islamic counseling are characterized by various applicable research results. One of its forms is the development of training aimed at parents in order to strengthen the parenting method in order to foster an optimistic attitude towards children in accordance with Islamic rules. Hoping is one component in mind skills that can be trained to create positive short-term and long-term positiveexpectations so that children become more optimistic, especially in theface of failure.The development procedure used in this study was adapted from Borg & Gall which included three steps: (1) Phase I namely preparation, including needs assessment, literature study, determining the purpose of development and preparing the necessary materials; (2) Phase II, namely implementation, includes drafting products; and (3) Phase III, namely trials, including expert tests, prospective user trials and small group tests. Analysis of product validity test using descriptive statistical analysis.The product validity test results consists of expert tests (material experts and media experts), prospective user (instructor / parent) test, and small group test by trainees (seven parents and their children) have met the acceptance criteria with three aspects, namely aspects accuracy (score) scores 87% utility (score) 94%, and compatibility (compatibility) with a score of 88%. So that the overall average result is 89.6% in the "very good" category.


Experiential Learning, Hoping Training, Islamic Counseling


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i1.5591

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