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Marriage Counseling as an Effort to Build a Sakinah Family: Model of Fostering and Mentoring for Sakinah Families in Demak Regency

Abdurrohman Kasdi


This article examines the model of fostering and mentoring sakinah families in Demak Regency by marriage counseling. The method used qualitative with a phenomenological approach and psychoanalytic approach. The aim of this approach is to research the meaning of essential things about marriage counseling in forming a sakinah family, then to relate to a model of family fostering and mentoring for sakinah families in Demak Regency. The research shows that: first, to realize a sakinah family, marriage counseling focus in psychology and syaria. Second, marriage counseling as a process of giving assistance to individuals so that in carrying out marriage and married life can be in harmony with the provisions and instructions of Allah. Third, there was a decline in divorce rates in the Demak Regency area. Data decreasing by 13%, from 19% in 2016 to 6% in 2017. The decline in divorce rates in Demak Regency is inseparable from the guidance and assistance carried out by Islamic Religious Counselors who collaborate with cross-sectoral agencies in providing counseling for marriage to husband and wife couple in Demak Regency to be fostered by sakinah family.


Fostering, Marriage Counseling, Mentoring, Sakinah Family


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i1.5500

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