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Career Guidance and The Policy in Preparing of The Future of The Child Development(Research at Sukamiskin Institute of Special Coaching in Bandung West Java Indonesia)

Siti Chodijah, Muslih T.


The purpose of this study are: First, to know the types of guidanceprants in Institutions Special Coaching Children Bandung. Second, to know the techniques of career guidance at the Institute of Special Education Children Bandung. Third, to find out the results of career guidance at the Institute of Child Development Special Bandung. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach, by collecting data and information through interview method, observation, documentation, which then analyzed by writer by way of describing all information received from informant with the required data. Then the authors conclude the information to answer the purpose of research. The career guidance at the Bandung Child Development Institution is in line with the career guidance goals set forth by Salahudin that the goals of career guidance are self-understanding, knowledge of the world of work, positive attitude toward the world of work, and the ability to plan for the future. The results show that career guidance held at LPKA helps students to plan and prepare for their future according to the goals of such career guidance through various types and techniques of career guidance.


Career guidance, Future, Planning


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i1.5285

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