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Is it Still Urgent for the Sufistic-Prophetic Guidance and Counseling in Digital Era?
Sufistic-Prophetic guidance and counseling in the digital era to be a questions. Is it still important and applicable? This is discussed in this article that changes the era and will the era change the view of prophetic example? Therefore it is necessary to study and explore the sufistic-prophetic guidance and counseling in the digital era. The purpose of this study is to explore the urgency of sufistic-prophetic guidance and counseling strategies as an effort to achieve the psychological well-being of adolescents in the digital era. In addition, this study also tries to re-examine the extent to which sufistic-prophetic guidance and counseling is important and can be applied in the digital era. This study combines literature and empirical methods by conducting interviews with guidance and counselling teacher, and student in islamic high school. The results of this study indicate that sufistic-prophetic is important for adolescents in the digital era with some evidence of the focus of the findings namely; a) the existence of several prophetic counseling and counseling strategies, b) the prophetic approach is able to foster awareness of the importance of the psychological well-being of adolescents c) prophetic counseling and guidance can help to control adolescents in facing the digital era and d) sufistic- prophetic guidance and counseling are still important and can be applied despite the changing era into the digital era.
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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v9i2.5153
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