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Reviewing Islamic Counseling Through The Concept of Religious Coping

Nurul Wardhani, Aulia Iskandarsyah, Retno Hanggarani Ninin


The results of field studies obtained results regarding the process of Islamic counseling work on Muslim client. Data was obtained through interviews conducted with two speakers, each of whom was a practitioner of Muslim psychology who carried out Islamic counseling services and a Muslim client. Processing data through testing the validity of data with data/source triangulation techniques. Data analysis using the Miles & Huberman model. The Islamic counseling work process is then explored through the concept of religious coping. In reviewing the concepts of religious coping, all stages in the series of processes of Islamic counseling work include the use of the concept of positive religious coping in all different types of religious functions. However, there is a concept of belief/faith/fitrah as an aspect targeted in Islamic counseling that cannot be correctly explained through the concept of religious coping. 


Islamic counseling, religious coping, belief, faith, fitrah


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v9i2.4662

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