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Guidance and Counseling of Inabah Method: Building The Sufis Behavior as Life Style in Digital Era

Agus Samsul Bassar


The problems and challenges to educate the millennial muslims generations in the global and digital era are more difficult and complex. The millennial generations often to behave and  have a lifestyle determined by trends on social media, even though not all of those trends are suitable with religion or national culture. Some efforts were made in order to help the younger generation to behave well which are suitable with the guidance of religion or national culture. One of the effort  is Guidance and Counseling of the Inabah method by using a religious approach and it is usually done by Sufis, such as: the practice of worship, zikir (remembrance of Allah), and riyadhah. This research used a qualitative approach and descriptive method, the researcher describes the results of the research through the data collection techniques: interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The purpose is to research the guidance and counseling of the Inabah Method in building sufis behavior as a lifestyle in the digital era. Research shows that the students who have given Guidance and Counseling of the Inabah Method have better cognitive functions, a more peaceful and better  mood because they find the meaning of life, have the brighter and the better perceptions, increased self-awareness,  have the ability to appreciate time and life, and a variety of positive changes that greatly determine the personality and daily behavior.


Inabah method, worship, riyadhah


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v9i2.4609

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