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Optimalization of Multiple Intelligence Through Qur’an Therapy in Pondok Pesantren Nurul Qur’an (PPNQ)
The era of globalization demands a human being has diverse intelligence that assisted with education, a fact that provides an environment that enables people to develop their talents, interests, and a range of intelligence optimally. Multiple intelligences/MI (Multiple Intelligences) popularized Howard Gardner that intelligence there are some special intelligence who each independently. Being human learners in human institutions and interfere the Qur'an in PPNQ need intelligence in various things. The opportunity to explore the intelligence power-power by using therapy to the Qur'an. "Well, you are the people who read and studied the Qur'an and teach it" (HR. Bukhari). So the understanding of the universe and its contents are sourced in the Qur'an. This paper aims to identify the root of the problems of the most fundamental of the occurrence of events that destroys the joints of human life psychologically in Indonesia, the way human intellectual effort and overcoming learning difficulties, and the way to do therapy and countermeasures with the Qur’an.
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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v9i2.4475
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