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The Role of Spiritual Approach in Family Parenting: A Study of Lecturers at Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Sri Wahyuningsih


The number of hoax news, hate speeches, and acts of violence that are viral on social media can disrupt the physical, emotional and psychological development of children. This article mainly describes the role of spiritual approach in family parenting to children. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. The research subject is lecturers at IAIN Kudus. In-depth interviews were conducted to explore and collect data. The result denotes that family parenting had impacts on character, emotional, psychology, and physical development of children. The spiritual approach can be implemented in family parenting through several ways including the habituation of positive values and characters, role models, commitment and consistency from parents, positive communication between parents and children. Besides, parents can support and get involved in children’s activities through positive ways such as approximation, approval, and positive expression of parents towards children. Through the spiritual approach, children will be able to develop optimally both in the intellectual aspect (IQ) and emotional aspects (EQ).


Family Parenting, IAIN Kudus, Lecturers, Spiritual Approach


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v10i1.4162

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