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Caring for the Mental Health of Patients at Aisyiyah Hospital through Spiritual Guidance

Ahmad Zaini


Caring for the mental health of patients receiving treatment in hospitals is an urgent matter to be implemented. This research discusses the process of spiritual guidance for patients, therefore the aim of this study is to analyze the process of spiritual guidance in caring for the mental health of patients at Aisyiyah Hospital during their stay in the hospital. This study is a qualitative research. Data collection was done through observation, interviews, and documentation. In this case, information was sought from the spiritual guidance department. The data analysis used in this study was through data reduction, data display, and verification. The research result shows that the role of spiritual guidance for patients at the hospital is an important activity to be implemented as it can accelerate the healing process when patients have a healthy mindset. The challenges faced by the spiritual guidance department can be minimized by collaborating with religious organizations that have many experts in the field of religion, taking into account the expertise of these experts.


mental health, patients, spiritual guidance


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v14i1.25587

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