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The Impact of Authoritarian Parenting Patterns on Early Childhood: Case Study of Four Parents in Yogyakarta

Dwi Hastuti, Muhammad Miftah


It is important to pay attention to parenting patterns as this is a fundamental aspect of child development. The family, especially the role of both parents, serves as the primary environment where a child gains a lot of learning experiences. This research is conducted based on field facts that indicate the ongoing tendency of authoritarian parenting styles by parents towards young children. Four parents are the subjects of this study. Authoritarian parenting patterns are evident when parents teach children about prayer, recitation of the Quran, memorization, as well as guiding them in learning to read and write. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of authoritarian parenting styles on young children, based on four observed cases. The research method applied is qualitative, using a case study approach, and Urie Brofenbrenner's ecological theory is applied as an analytical tool. The research findings conclude that authoritarian parenting patterns can have both negative and positive impacts. The negative impacts include a lack of independence in children, aggressive behavior, defiance towards parents, a lack of self-confidence, and an inability to express opinions. On the other hand, the positive impacts involve discipline and the achievement of children. Despite the presence of positive impacts, the application of authoritarian parenting styles is not recommended for young children, considering the potential negative effects on children's self-esteem.


Authoritarian Parenting Pattern, Impact of Authoritarian Parenting, Children


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v14i2.24983

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