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The Use of Islamic Creative Art Therapy (I-CAT) in Individual Counseling to Overcome Personal Problems at Kaunseling Center Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (MAINS) Malaysia

Suandara Pratiwi, Kasmi Kasmi


The Use of Islamic Creative Art Therapi (I-CAT) in Individual Counseling to Overcome Personal Propblems at MAINS Malaysia. The phenomenon that not all counselees can express what the counselees feel verbally, therefore the use of I-CAT is effective for counselees who have problems verbally in conveying problems. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the aim of describing the stages of using I-CAT in individual counseling to overcome personal problems at the MAINS Malaysia Counseling Center. Data collection methods include observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this research were PK MAINS Seremban branch counselors who were counselors with counselee who had personal problems who used I-CAT in individual counseling.

The results showed that there are five stages in using I-CAT: (1) opening session (initial stage), (2) release session (expressing feelings stage), (3) exploration session (exploration stage), (4) conversation session (discussion stage), (5) formulation session (problem solving stage). Basically, the use of I-CAT in individual counseling is almost the same as individual counseling in general, but the difference is that in individual counseling, I-CAT is used to explore problems using image media to make it easier for clients to convey existing problems, and in the process of sharing experiences between counselors. and the counselee, the counselor includes religious values as a reflection in the counseling.


Islamic Art Therapy (I-CAT); Individual Counseling; Personal problems


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v14i2.24113

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