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The Relationship Between Parental Rejection and Self Handicapping in Terms of Students' Socioeconomic Conditions

Tantri Mutiara, Sunawan Sunawan


This study explored the relationship between parental rejection and self handicapping, considering the moderating role of socioeconomic status. The study population included students from 2016-2019 with a total of 1,238 students. The study sample consisted of 270 students selected by simple random sampling method, with an additional 25 respondents making a total of 295 respondents. The method in this study was carried out by collecting data using a Likert scale tested on the parental rejection scale and the self handicapping scale and analyzing the data using the Hayes model 1 regression technique. The results showed a positive relationship between maternal rejection and self handicapping (p=0.001, p<0.05), indicating that the higher the level of rejection from the mother, the higher the level of self handicapping in individuals. While there is no positive relationship between paternal rejection and self handicapping. Furthermore, socioeconomic status moderated the relationship between parental rejection and self handicapping, especially in the high (p=0.011, p>0.05) and very high (p=0.027, p>0.05) socioeconomic status groups. This indicates that the higher the socioeconomic status of the individual, the greater the influence of parental rejection on increasing self-handicapping behavior.


parental rejection; self-handicapping; socioeconomic status; university students


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v14i2.23581

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