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Behavior Counseling Uses Assertive Exercise Techniques in Dealing with Adolescent People Pleasers

Isak Iskandar, Muzayan Muzayan, Anis Fauzi, Ahmad Aris Salim


Someone who has people pleaser problems likes to get carried away by their friends, because they are unable to say "no," they tend not to be able to refuse. Because if you refuse, you will feel anxiety and guilt. This phenomenon is a bad behavior and must be handled, by changing the behavior and replacing it with new, better behavior. The purpose of this study is to understand the ins and outs of the implementation of behavioral counseling in adolescents. This study uses a qualitative approach method, this descriptive research tries to provide ideas systematically and carefully on the actual facts and characteristics of a particular population, the approach plan is through case studies. The results of this study show that there are differences in behavior in adolescents in Serang City between before and after implementing a behavioral approach using assertive techniques in dealing with people pleaser problems. The results of role-playing and homework assignments given to respondents are increasingly visible and can be seen from those who have begun to understand assertive behavior and the importance of eliminating bad behavior and replacing it with good behavior.


behavioral counseling; assertive techniques; people pleaser; adolescent


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v14i2.23545

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