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Effectiveness of the “Community Dialogue” Program as an Effort to Understand Sexual Violence Prevention for Adolescents

Ayu Faiza Algifahmy, Saffana Maulidia


One strategy implemented to prevent sexual violence involves providing adolescents with the necessary information and skills to protect themselves. This is because an individual's understanding of sexual violence significantly influences their perception of the issue and ultimately impacts the effectiveness of prevention initiatives. One way to provide information to young girls is through the “Community Dialogue” program. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the community dialogue program on adolescent understanding in efforts to prevent sexual violence. The type of research used is phenomenology with a qualitative approach. Based on the results of research, adolescents know various community dialogue materials including forms of sexual violence, body autonomy, consent, self-limitation and others. The form of sexual violence experienced by one of the participants was sexual harassment, the informant already knew enough what to do if it happened or to whom to tell it. So it is important for informants to know this so they can help stop sexual violence and make their campus a safe place. So it can be concluded that the effectiveness of the community dialogue program as an effort to understand the prevention of sexual violence for adolescents has been carried out quite well and is considered quite effective. This was proven to be seen from the participants' understanding with the aim that they were really comprehensively informed, openly conveyed that participants had experienced similar things and were passionate about supporting the victims.


remaja, dialog komunitas, pemahaman, kekerasan seksual


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v15i1.23477

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