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Management of Religious e-Counseling at Islamic Religious Colleges in the New Normal Era

Neng Gustini, Ahmad Almafahir, Hary Priatna Sanusi, Aliya Elvandari


The existence of technology requires us to change in all aspects of life, including guidance and counseling in Islamic religious colleges. Maximum utilization of resources in Society 5.0 benefits the effectiveness and efficiency of managing guidance and counseling services. This study aimed to identify the management of religious e-Counseling at Islamic Religious Colleges in the new normal era. This research uses qualitative research with case study analysis. The research subject is UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The results showed that implementing e-Counseling at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung was the responsibility of the Unit of Psychology Service. Clients can access the process of implementing e-Counseling by contacting the registration admin, then the admin will contact the psychologist/counselor and inform the client/counselee about the counseling schedule with the psychologist/counselor. Clients/counselees can also follow the counseling process according to the agreement and procedures set by the Unit of Psychology Service of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Handling problems in e-religious counseling is carried out through stages: opening: awareness planting (qawmah), exploration stage (taubah), contemplation stage (muhasabah) and basirah (determination of vision and goals), implementation and development stage (‘amal) and the prayer stage (closing) with transpersonal approaches such as prayer, fasting, dhikr, and Islamic art therapy.


e-Counseling; Islamic Religious College; Religious


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v14i1.22846

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