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The Experimental Application of Group Counseling Self-Management Techniques for Adolescent Internet Addiction for Their Mental Health

Saliyo Saliyo, Wafiqotun Nailis Shofa, Inayatul Khafidhoh


This research aims to determine group counseling treatment with self-management techniques for teenagers to reduce internet addiction in teenagers in Sumber Village, Sumber District, and Rembang District. This type of research is a quantitative experiment category with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling technique. The  data analysis technique uses a paired sample T-test with the help of SPSS version 23.0. The results of this research show, firstly, that there is a significant difference in internet addiction in teenagers before and after being given treatment through group guidance activities. The difference in the average pretest score is 124.3056, and the difference in the posttest is 112.4306. Second, the implementation of group guidance is considered effective in reducing internet addiction in teenagers, with an average difference of 11.875. Third, the highest and lowest scores between the pretest and posttest test results are in the very high category, with a score range of 140–150 and a high of 130–139. After being given treatment, there was a decline in the moderate category with a score range of 120–129 and the low category with a score range of 110–119 and a probability value of 0.000<0.05. This means that group guidance activities were rated as effective in reducing the level of internet addiction.


Keywords: Internet Addiction, Group Counseling, Self Management, and Mental Health


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v14i1.22834

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