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The Application of Islamic Counseling to Overcome Post-Suicide Attemption in Female Adolescent with Minor Depression

Agoes Dariyo, Raja Oloan Tumanggor


Suicide is an act of recklessness to end one's life so that someone dies. The main cause of suicide is depression, a condition of psychiatric pressure characterized by disappointment, anxiety, hopelessness, loss of meaning in life and thoughts of suicide. This study aims to analyze the application of Islamic counseling to overcome post-suicide attempts in young women who experience minor depression. The research used a qualitative-descriptive approach with a focus on case studies on 3 young girls who had attempted suicide. Sampling technique with purposive sampling. Retrieval of data using interviews, observations and documentation records. Data analysis using a thematic approach. The results of the study show that the application of Islamic counseling is effective in dealing with post-suicide attempts in female adolescents who experience minor depression. In general, before attending counseling, adolescents experience depression and suicidal thoughts, but after attending counseling, adolescents feel relieved, happy, repent and return to the right path according to religious teachings. The application of Islamic counseling is able to provide positive changes from the spiritual, cognitive, affective and conative dimensions, so that the counselee has a psychological and spiritual health condition (mental health and spiritual health).


Islamic counseling, suicide, minor depression



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