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Moral Education of Muslim Children in Islamic Minority Countries (Phenomenological Studies in Germany and the Netherlands)

Azam Syukur Rahmatullah, Eko Priyo Purnomo, Mohd. Sukki Othman, Akbar Nur Aziz


Moral education is an element that must be embedded from an early age, where true morals originate in a healthy soul, and are supported by a strengthening spiritual element, to give birth to children with positive morals. Moral education should ideally be taught in any condition and situation, both in Muslim-majority and Muslim-minority countries.  This study aims to determine how moral conditions, problems experienced by parents in educating Islam-based morals, and the process carried out by parents in educating their children's morals in non-Muslim countries. Germany and Amsterdam were used as research sites because both countries are known as Islamic minority countries.  This research uses phenomenological research methods with a qualitative approach. Participant data came from parents who had the following criteria have lived in Germany or Amsterdam for at least 2 years, Indonesian parents who are Muslims, and parents who educate their children directly related to morals and are not represented by caregivers / domestic assistants. Research data were obtained from interviews and observations and then analyzed using phenomenological study techniques. The results showed that parents apply authoritarian and democratic parenting. The efforts made by parents in educating children's morals include storytelling methods, role models, direct learning, and reward and punishment. Obstacles faced by parents include internal and external obstacles, namely the lack of academics or facilities to obtain sources of Islamic knowledge as well as the busyness of parents. The pattern of moral education of children for Muslim minorities is carried out through faith-based private schools (Islam), informal homeschooling, colleges (universities and colleges), mosques (Islamic centers), and Islamic organizations.


Moral, Muslim Child, Muslim Minority Country, Phenomenology


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v14i1.20081

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