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Trauma Healing in Domestic Violence: The Effectiveness of Islamic Feminist Counseling

Mira Mareta, Dyah Luthfia Kirana


This research is motivated by the rise of violence cases experienced by women. Domestic violence against women is very vulnerable due to the urge present in the perpetrators to behave aggressively because of the stressors they are facing and the widespread belief in a patriarchal culture, which is the root cause of violence between husband and wife. In this case, Islamic feminist counseling seeks to recover and reduce depression in women victims of violence by building awareness of their gender roles based on an Islamic perspective. Therefore, this research aims to discover how Islamic feminist counseling can heal the trauma of women victims of domestic violence. This research was conducted through a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used were document study, observation, and in-depth interviews, with two counselees (using pseudonyms in this article) in domestic violence cases. The data validity technique employed in this study was a triangulation of data collection techniques and data sources, while data analysis was performed deductively and inductively. The results revealed that the counselor carried out three stages of Islamic feminist counseling: conceptualization, intervention, and termination. At all stages, the counselor has achieved each stage’s goals, although with different techniques for the two counselees at each counseling stage.


Trauma, Islamic Feminist Counseling, Domestic Violence


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v13i2.16784

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