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Envy: The dark Side of Close Relatrionship

Aufa Abdillah, Hamidulloh Ibda


Human interactions will always exist and humans are patient in need of relationships with other people, but from that interaction, an inevitable conflict will arise which is the dark side. One of them is Envy. From a psychological viewpoint, this is a very interesting phenomenon to be studied in more depth, including everything related to Envy as the dark side of interpersonal relationships. The purpose of this study is to understand the factors that cause Envy, the subject who is the target of envy, the behavior, and attitudes towards the envied person, the emotional reactions of envy, and the impact and solutions to minimize the negative impact of envy. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach by giving an open questionnaire to 50 students at one of the Pondok pesantren in Salatiga. The results showed that envy is the negative dark side of interpersonal relationships. There are factors that cause envy, the target of envy, behavior towards the envied person, emotional reactions that arise, and the impact it causes. Envy is an inevitable phenomenon that arises from interpersonal relationships in the context of social interactions. However, there are solutions that can minimize envy.


Envy, Dark side of close relationship, social interaction.


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v13i1.15830

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