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Shalat (Prayer) as a Spiritual Guidance Technique for Patients with Mental Disorders in Jalma Sehat Kudus

Farida Farida, Yuliyatun Yuliyatun, Inayatul Khafidhoh


This study focuses on the implementation of shalat (prayer) therapy, its impact, and the factors that influence the smooth implementation of prayer therapy. The shalat (prayer) service which in Islamic teachings is one part of the pillars of Islam, namely the five daily obligatory prayers, essentially also has a fairly broad function. The function is either worship, spiritual, psychological, as well as physical, and social. All of which will have an impact on mental health as a whole in the character of the personality of a Muslim. This research method is qualitative with applied research, namely research that aims to find knowledge that can be practically applied. Sources of data for this study were caregivers (Islamic therapy and health workers), founders of mental health rehabilitation centers and patients who were able to communicate with them. The results of this study are that the spiritual aspect is the key that will rebuild human psychological awareness, therefore re-potentializing the spiritual aspect through prayer therapy can help accelerate mental health recovery, and this will also be balanced with other Islamic spiritual guidance techniques to strengthen assistance for people with mental disorders. mentally.


shalat, prayer, spiritual guidance, mental retardation


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v13i1.15570

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