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The Concept Ki Ageng Suryomentaram's About Kawruh Jiwa Relevance with Islamic Counseling

Agus Riyadi, Hatta Abdul Malik, ‘Ainy Nur Syarifah


This study aims to identify and analyze Ki Ageng Suryomentaram's self-concept in mental kawruh and to find out the relevance of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram's thoughts on spiritual kawruh especially concerning me, karep and kramadangsa in Islamic counseling. This research is a qualitative library research, using a psychological approach. The collection of "data used in this study by using library research (library research). The method of "analysis to process the data that has been collected in this study is a descriptive method. This method is applied by analyzing the self-concept of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram's thought and its relevance to Islamic counseling." The results of this study indicate "kawruh jiwa thinking is a self-concept offered by understanding the values contained in humans, which can be applied in this era of life. recently. For Ki Ageng Suryomentaram’s, the peak of human existence is a human without characteristics, namely humans who are no longer dependent on worldly attributes that come from human desires, by means of introspection, namely synergizing between thought and feeling behavior. The relevance of the values of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram's thoughts to Islamic counseling is reflected in his view of humans "which includes me, karep and kramadangsa so that a counselor can help individuals in problem solving needs. Finally, the counselee is able to actualize in his life and reach the fourth dimension of human without characteristics and get out of the problem through the introduction of his identity in Islamic values.


Kawruh Jiwa, Islamic Counseling, Ki Ageng Suryomentaram


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v13i1.15439

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