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The Effectiveness of Guidance and Counseling Services in Schools in the New Normal Era

Masturin Masturin, Ahmad Nafi'


The new normal era resulted in paralysis in various sectors, such as education, health, and economics. The social distancing policy has also brought about the closure of schools by implementing learning from home or online. Thus, various problems arise, experienced by teachers, students, and even guardians of students. In addition, guidance and counseling are also impacted by this policy. For this reason, this study aims to describe the application of guidance and counseling services in the new normal era and see how effective the services provided are. This type of research used descriptive qualitative research and focused on phenomenological studies. The research subjects were two guidance and counseling teachers and two students. Observation, interview, and documentation techniques were employed as data collection techniques. To determine the data validity, the researchers used technical and source triangulations. The results of this study revealed that the guidance and counseling services run were not effective. It was because several problems were experienced by schools, such as online learning policies, the lack of a ratio of the number of guidance and counseling teachers to the number of students, and the lack of socialization about the role of guidance and counseling.


Effectiveness, Guidance and Counseling Services, New Normal Era


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v13i1.15075

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