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The Analysis of Islamic Guidance and Counseling’s Management from the Perspective of Graduate Students

Widodo Supriyono


This study aims to study and analyze the function of management guidance and counseling as a whole and from the perspective of the 2020 Islamic Education Management (Managemen Pendidikan Islam) students, Tarbiyah, and Teacher Training Faculty, UIN Walisongo Semarang. This research belongs to field research with a qualitative approach. The subject of the study was graduate students of Islamic Education Management year 2020. The focus of this study includes the meaning of management guidance and counseling, planning of guidance and counseling, organizing of guidance and counseling, implementing of guidance and counseling, controlling of guidance and counseling, and evaluation and follow-up of guidance and counseling. The method used to collect the data was a questionnaire, interviews, and documentation. The triangulation method was used to find out the validity of the research. To analyze the data, the method used was data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion method. The research analysis showed that 83% of the students had understood the meaning of management Guidance and Counseling, moreover 100% of them were able to write the Qur’an verses related to it. Although half of the students had included the text of Qur’an’s verses related to it, while the other only shared the translation of it. 83% of the students were able to explain the planning / outlining of the management Guidance and Counseling correctly. 50% of them shared the text of Qur’an verses related to it, 34% of them only shared the translation related to it, but 17% of them shared the verses in the Qur'an related to it without giving additional information from which verses it was taken. Other than that, 100% of the students understood and were able to show the verses for the organization of Guidance and Counseling correctly. Related to the implementation of Guidance and Counseling, 100% of the students understood and were able to show the verses related to it. So did the controlling of guidance and counseling. Meanwhile, related to the evaluation of Guidance and Counseling, 100% of the students understood about it but did not understand the follow up of it. However, they were 100% able to share the Qur'an verses related to evaluation and follow-up of Guidance and Counseling. 


Islamic Management of Guidance and Counselling


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v13i1.14940

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