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Islamic Counseling to Overcome Negative Self-Concept Among Adolescents Living in the Orphanage

Aulia Urrohmah, Zulkipli Lessy, Dede Asrori Rahim


This study aimed to explore the negative self-concept in orphanage adolescents and provide Islamic counseling in overcoming the negative self-concept of orphanage adolescents. This study uses a qualitative-action method. The data collection techniques were conducted through interview observations and documentation. The research findings showed that with Islamic counseling service, the respondents can change the negative self-concept to positive self-concept so that they show self-awareness, they do not get angry and begin to accept criticism, control themselves when getting compliments, begin to understand when other people do not like them, accept shortcomings and be grateful for what they have, and try to continue to think positively and optimistically.


Islamic counseling, negative self-concept, adolescents


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v13i1.13707

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