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Marriage of Different Islamic Community Organizations (Ormas) and Its Implications for Household Harmony: A Review of Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalysis

Alief Budiyono, Akhmad Roja Badrus Zaman


In this study, the author wants to answer the formulation of the problem, how the reality of the household life of couples with different religious organizations and how the implications for domestic harmony using Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic review. The object of the research is a couple who married different religious organizations in Sirau Village, Kemranjen District, Banyumas Regency. In this study, the author uses a descriptive-qualitative approach, and this research is classified as field research. In data collection techniques, the authors use interviews, observation, and documentation. From the study conducted, it can be seen that first, the reality of the married life of married couples Marriages with different religious organizations in Sirau Village, Kemranjen District, Banyumas Regency can be classified into two types, those who are able to foster household harmony and those who are unable to foster household harmony. Second, the people of Sirau Village who do marriages with different organizations have an awareness that marriage is a nature (fitrah) for humans and can bring good (Id). In the midst of this awareness, they are then faced with organizational differences that can potentially lead to household harmony (Ego). However, the couple's ego is also influenced by several factors such as sublimation or shifting the gaze to something acceptable, for example, good looks—both husband and wife; reaction of formation or opposing attitudes experienced by fantasy until such as optimism for personal maturity so that potential conflicts based on organizational differences can be minimized. Negotiations that occur at the ego level in the next phase are then realized by getting married (Superego). Third, figures from each Islamic organization (Ormas) in Sirau Village have different views regarding marriages of different organizations. Based on Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, it can be seen that the NU personality structure Ego or Das Ich tends to reject based on facts on the ground who are unable to foster household harmony, while the Muhammadiyah character Ego or Das Es personality tends to accept it.


Marriage; Different of Organizations; Id; Ego; Super Ego; Sirau Village


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v12i2.12563

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