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The Principles of Islamic Guidance Counseling in Al-Qur’an Surah of Yunus Verse: 57 (Study of Al-Maraghi’s Thoughts)

Zumrodi Zumrodi


This article was written with the aim of exploring Al-Maraghi's thoughts on the principles of Islamic guidance and counseling in Al-Qur’an surah Yunus verse 57. This article is the result of an exploration of reading sources related to the principles of Islamic counseling guidance that counselors refer to. The analytical method used in the literature review is the content analysis method. This article is the result of Al-Maraghi's interpretation of the surah Yunus verse 57. The results showed that counselors in conducting guidance and counseling must refer to four principles. First, the counselor must provide advice and direction to clients in good words that can soften the client's heart so that it can inspire clients to take the positive actions and leave the negative actions. Second, the counselor tried to treat clients from various diseases of the heart such as shirk, nifaq and other diseases of the heart that could make the client's heart restless and problematic. Various diseases of the heart that must be treated are indecisive in belief, quarrelsome, abusive behavior and disliking what is right and good. Third, the counselor must direct the client to the right path and beliefs so that he can avoid wrong beliefs and actions. Fourth, the counselor must internalize the values of rahmah or client affection so that clients are happy with something good and willing to help difficult and weak people. In addition, clients can refrain from doing dhalim and hostility.


Al-Maraghi, The Principles of Islamic Guidance Counseling, Moslem Thought


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v12i1.11171

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