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Escalating Student’s Self-Confidence through Islamic Art Therapy with Doodle Art in UIN Sunan Ampel

Atika Khoirina, Mohamad Thohir


This research aims to determine the implementation of Islamic Art Therapy with Doodle Art in escalating student’s self-confidence at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, as well as the effect of therapy. The study uses a qualitative experimental case study with single subject design model. Descriptive-comparative analysis is used by collecting data through observations, interviews, questionnaire, and documentation. The subjects were two students who had 10 indicators of low self-confidence based on observations and interviews, and their self-confidence scores were at a weak level based on the Lauster questionnaire. The five stages of therapy were implemented to the subjects six times in a month, including Warm up, Draw My Emoji, Motivational Session, Draw My Doodle, and the last, Evaluation and Follow up. The results showed that therapy has been implemented as planned procedure, however, at the first and second meetings, the motivational session requires a fairly long portion of time. The effects of therapy were emerged on changes in the level of student self-confidence. Seven out of 10 indicators have changed, which means there is a fairly high increase in self-confidence. However, the confidence score of two subjects was still in low level based on the Lauster questionnaire, even so, the score shows an increase. Suggestions for further research, the results might be different if the process of Islamic art therapy considers aspects in the Lauster questionnaire.


islamic art therapy, doodle art, self-confidence, lauster questionnaire


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v12i1.11148

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