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Kata Kunci: Klinik Pembelajaran, Fisika.\
In learning activities in schools, teachers are faced with number of characteristics to diverse students. There are students who can take their learning activities smoothly and successfully without difficulty, but on the other hand not a few students who actually experience difficulties in learning. Student learning difficulties indicated by the presence of certain barriers to achieve learning outcomes, and can be psychological, sociological, and physiological, which in turn can lead to learning achievement reached under proper. Student learning difficulties covers a broad sense, including : (a) learning disorder, (b) learning disfunction; (c) underachiever (d) slow learner, and (e) learning disabilities. In particular, this paper raised the theme of learning difficulties physics. The selection of this theme considering the subjects of physics that’s still regarded as a scourge of most students. Image ”difficult” to learn physics is attached to the initial perception of students. Based on the background of the above statement, this paper aims to discuss issues related to the diagnosis of learning difficulties. These problems include: the problems of learning difficulties physics, an alternative to overcome the problem of learning physics through teaching clinic. Thus the scope of the discussion focused on difficulties in learning , tutoring , learning models that can be applied and how to overcome the problem of difficulties in learning physics through teaching clinic.
Keyword: Learning , Fhyisics
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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v4i2.1007
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