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Kata Kunci: Profesionalisme Guru Konseling, Stelistika Bahasa
PROFESSIONALISM OF TEACHER SCHOOL BUILDING THROUGH COUNSELING FOR SUBMISSION OF LANGUAGE POLITE.This paper aims to find out the demands of the competence of teachers, including teachers, school guidance and counseling as a profession will inevitably be met. Teachers build a professional counseling services will be requested by the service user accountability in schools. The problem, whether the counseling service (BK) has been implemented by teachers in a professional counseling? Is the guidance and counseling teacher professionalism have reached the professional standards set? The issues are complex and widespread, the lack of professional guidance and counseling teachers as a result of competence guidance and counseling teacher are inadequate, and demand changes in the competitive professional services, require an increase in the professionalism of teachers guidance and counseling particularly related attitudes, knowledge and skills guidance teachers and counseling. Currently Teachers Counseling at school is less selective in terms of providing guidance should be obtained student. The results of this paper is under the teacher’s role counseling should not only oriented to the career guidance but also should pay attention to tutoring , guidance to be good, the guidance behaves politely, honest, and guidance homage to the father-mother teacher and guidance to the public the academic community ( friends peer) at school or in this case to obey the rules discipline in school and outside school. One to determine the potential of students by conducting pilot classes and tests students’ abilities and talents.
Keywords: Professionalism, Teacher Counseling , Stelistika Language
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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v4i2.1005
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