Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Di Sekitar Mata Air Sumur Gedhe Desa Tanjungsekar Kecamatan Pucakwangi Kabupaten Pati
Sumur Gedhe’s water spring is one of the source used by some local society for cooking, washing and bathing. Around it are diverse plants. The purpose of this research is to tell diversity of plants around Sumur Gedhe. This research method is purposive sampling . Interviews were also conducted with the local society to find out how the water sping was maintained and preserved. There are 56 species of plants are found around Sumur Gedhe. Spring conservation efforts can be done by avoiding littering plastic waste, not disposing of hazardous chemichals, utilizing water as needed and protecting plants around it. Most of them are wild plants. Plants habit were shurb, climbing shurb, tree, herbaceous and herb vines habitus.
Keywords: Tanjungsekar Village, Water Spring, Diversity, Plant.
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