Detection Of Glukokinase (GCK) Gene In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus And Non Diabetics Respondents Using The Polymerase Chain Reaction Method

Fitria Diniah Janah Sayekti, Olivia Indah Krishinta


Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic medical condition in which there is an increase in glucose levels in the blood because the body cannot produce insulin. The glucokinase gene (GCK) is in charge of encoding the glucokinase enzyme which plays a role in glucose metabolism. The GCK gene has a vital role in regulating blood glucose levels in the body. This study aims to detect the presence of GCK gene in 9 respondents of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the diabetes prolanists of Puskesmas Wonosari 1 Klaten and 9 non-diabetic respondents in PKK Kadilangu Village Rt 2 Rw 1 using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. PCR results were visualized by electrophoresis using agarose gel concentration of 1.5%. The results of the study can be seen that the GCK gene was detected in 9 samples of type 2 diabetes mellitus and 9 non-diabetic samples with a product length of 206 bp. Qualitative detection of GCK genes from DNA isolate samples was successful in this study, but information on gene expression levels in the realm of transcription and translation was not yet available in this study.


Diabetes, GCK gene, PCR

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