The Implementation of Case Methods Learning on Water Quality Toward Knowledge and Care Attitude of Students' Environment

Didi Jaya Santri, Susy Amizera, Nike Anggraini


Various activities can cause changes in water quality conditions. One way that can do to change the way people point of view environmental changes is through learning. The aims of this study is (a) to determine the impact of the implementation of cased method learning on students' environmental knowledge and (b) to find out how students care about the environment. This study uses a combined research method (mixed method). This study uses a one-group pre-test, post-test-only design. Quantitative data in this research was obtained through an instrument in the form of a written test. Furthermore, qualitative data was obtained through a tool like a questionnaire regarding students' environmental care attitudes—quantitative data analysis technique using Paired Sample T-Test. Qualitative data analyzed by student attitude questionnaire results. The results showed that cased method learning could increase students' knowledge of water quality problems. it is caused by a significant difference in student knowledge with the value of Sig. (2-tailed) which resulted from SPSS, was 0.00 for the material before and after learning the case method. In addition, students have an attitude of caring for the environment in the good category. Thus the case method learning can be an alternative learning to remind students' knowledge and environmental care attitude, which in the end has implications for management innovations on aquatic ecological problems.


case method, water quality, knowledge, attitude, environment

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