Characteristics of Foot Sanitizer Containing Coffee Extract With Variation of Maceration Duration as a Development of Rural Local Potential

Muhamad Imaduddin, Nurul Farikhah, Ferriana Diean Haq


Coffee is a plant that can grow in tropical and subtropical areas with suitable areas, namely at an altitude of 1,000-2,100 meters above sea level, for example, which is often found in Colo village, Dawe district, Kudus City, Indonesia. This study aims to determine the quality of preparations for foot sanitizer from coffee and cinnamon extracts. The method used in this experiment is the experimental method. Coffee and cinnamon extracts can be obtained by maceration or soaking. The coffee extract was given a variation of maceration for 38 and 46 hours. The materials used in this experiment were coffee extract 60%, cinnamon extract 10%, glycerin 10%, ethanol 19.5%, and coffee essence 0.5%. Evaluation of foot sanitizer preparations was carried out in 3 stages, namely organoleptic tests including shape, aroma, color, texture, dry time on the skin, irritation, and level of preference for the formulation. Physical preparation tests include pH, clarity, stability, and homogeneity tests. The antibacterial test was carried out based on the area of the inhibition zone to determine the variation of the best spray preparation foot sanitizer to inhibit bacteria. It can be concluded that the preparation of foot sanitizer F2 (R. 46 hours) is more effective than the preparation of foot sanitizer F (R. 38 hours) with a higher pH value, color, level of preference, and antibacterial activity. It is hoped that in the future the manufacture of foot sanitizers can be produced and disseminated to the wider community.


Coffee; Foot sanitizer; Maceration

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