Kolaborasi Konsep Ikhlas dan Exchange Behaviorism sebagai Media Interaksi Sosial

Abdul Karim


This article aims to initiate the integration of sincere concepts and exchange behaviorism as a medium to construct one's mentality. Both concepts are useful in balancing material and spiritual aspects in a person. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analytical methods. The results of this study as well as an auto-critique of Homans theory because the basic George Caspar Homans theory of exchange theory who came from exchange behaviorism was too oriented to the material aspect as a social driver. The results show that the concepts of sincerity and exchange behaviorism cannot be separated because they will have an impact on the partiality of life. Therefore, a necessity in growing the balance of life must pay attention to the material aspects and spiritual aspects.


Exchange behaviorism, media, sincerity, social interaction, spiritual

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21043/fikrah.v5i2.2974


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