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Panel Data Regression on Tax Avoidance: Reviewed from Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Ratio Analysis

Dwi Putri Restuti, Bayu Tri Cahya, Siti Amaroh


Tax avoidance becomes unique because it is allowed in the sense that it does not violate the law. However, it is undesirable in practice because it affects the country’s revenue. This study experimentally investigates the relationship between Islamic corporate social responsibility, profitability, leverage, inventory intensity, capital intensity, and tax avoidance. This research employs a causal methodology and is quantitative. Only businesses listed on the Indonesian Islamic Stock Index (ISSI) were included in this analysis. The purposive sampling approach was employed to gather a sample of 15 companies for the 2016–2021 research period. Profitability has a negative impact on tax avoidance, leverage has a negative impact on tax avoidance, inventory intensity has a positive and significant impact on tax avoidance, capital intensity has no discernible impact on tax avoidance, and Islamic corporate social responsibility has no discernible impact on tax avoidance.


Tax Avoidance; Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility; Capital Intensity; Inventory Intensity; Profitability


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