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Muhamad Mustaqim


This study aims to examine the influence of the variables of achievement needs, self efficacy and instrument readiness to student entrepreneur intentions. Using a quantitative approach, this study analyzes the differences of entrepreneurial interest between students of Prodi ES and students of MBS Program in STAIN Kudus. The results of this study indicate that the need for achievement and preparation of the instrument has no significant effect on the intention of the entrepreneur, both the students of Prodi ES and the students of MBS Prodi. While the self efficacy has a significant effect on the intention of entrepreneur, both students of Prodi ES and students of MBS Prodi. While the analysis of multiple correlation, indicating that the needs of achievement, preparation of instruments and self efficacy together significantly influence the intentions of entrepreneurship students Prodi ES and MBS. The three independent variables have an effect on the entrepreneurship intention of 21.6%. The rest, as much as 78.4% influenced by other variables. While in the MBS students simultaneously the three independent variables affect the entrepreneurial intention of 38.8%. Moreover, 61.2% is influenced by other variables.


Need for Achievement; instrument readiness Self-Efficacy; Entrepreneurship Intention


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DOI: 10.21043/equilibrium.v5i1.2101

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