The role of Cirebon Women Ulama in Countering Religious Radicalism

Septi Gumiandari, Ilman Nafi'a


The trend in terrorist acts nowadays is using women as perpetrators with a feminine approach. To respond to the condition, the figure of the Cirebon women ulama takes a very significant role. When women could be recruited as terrorists, it should be easier too to get them back to become agents of peace. This study originally attempts to describe the experiences and efforts of Cirebon women ulama in the process of socio-religious transformation in the Cirebon society towards a better direction, namely counteracting religious-based intolerance in Cirebon. This study was conducted through a descriptive qualitative method with a phenomenology approach. Primary data were obtained through documentation study, interviews, and direct observations with Cirebon women activists from various community organizations and non-governmental organizations. The results showed that there are several strategies used by Cirebon women ulama in countering religious radicalism such as (1) developing religious literacy among Cirebon society; (2) shifting communication patterns from monolog to dialog; (3) reviewing curriculum and the process of learning; (4) live-in with other religious communities and beliefs, and (5) establish institutional networking.



Religious Radicalism, Cirebon Women Ulama

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